Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Center for Union Fiction

Why, oh why do people who supposedly value education continually bash unions like NEA and AFT? The "Center for Union Facts" is launching a multi-million dollar campaign against us and are going so far as to run a contest for the "Ten Worst Teachers in America." (see OEA's latest "Leader Letter" for talking points and check out the "CUF" website to see what they are really saying about us)

Clearly "CUF" finds us to be a threat for some reason because if they really cared about education they would be lobbying congress for better education funding, changes to ESEA and education reform that might actually help students learn. They would be demanding money to repair crumbling school buildings across the nation and investigating ways to improve teacher preparation courses at colleges and universities. Instead they are actively working to undermine education by attacking us.

We know something that they don't: in order to have a quality education system we need educators who are paid a fair salary, are physically safe where we work, are not afraid that wey will be terminated for no good reason or without due process and are highly qualified for the job we do. NEA and our state affiliates are in the business of protecting educators from injustices so we can work with students enthusiastically and with our whole hearts. OEA's Center for Teaching and Learning offers workshops of every kind to help us in our classrooms every day. And we are all indebted to the bargaining teams who work tirelessly to contracts that insure a fair salary and working conditions.

Long live NEA and OEA!

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