Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jeff Merkley

In case anyone missed the signals it is campaign season in Oregon. The political ads are everywhere! Newspapers, television, radio and even the internet are full of them. I've been impressed with Steve Novick's ads and Jeff Merkley has put out some amusing ones as well. Check out Jeff Merkley's latest internet ad:

Jeff has been campaigning even though the legislature is in session.
Tonight as I was preparing dinner for my husband and myself (we had
enough sunshine to fire up the gas grill on the deck for grilled
pork chops- yum!) the phone rang and it was Jeff Merkley himself.
He stressed the need for a Democrat to unseat Gordon Smith and
explained that now is the time for that possibility even though
Smith has a large bank account and the advantage of being an
incumbent. He spoke of his accomplishments in
Oregon and his
ability to inspire others to follow him in the Democratic House
Caucus and his desire to make a difference. There is no doubt in
my mind that Jeff Merkley would do a wonderful job for us in

, D.C.

I still haven’t made up my mind and told him that I was waiting until the PIE Convention to decide who to support. I promised to come to his hospitality room in Salem and listen to what he has to say.

The OEA PIE Convention is a beautiful thing! This is one of the only opportunities members have to get the full and undivided attention of hungry candidates and ask them whatever questions are relevant. Candidates campaign intensely for those few hours and it is a great experience to hear them reveal their true selves.

The US Senate race is far from over and will be VERY interesting to watch between now and May 20.

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